Aeration & Seeding

Now is the time to start aerating and seeding your lawn for summer!
Add new life to your lawn by aerating and seeding your Fescue. As we know, summer temperatures here create a tough environment for Fescue. But rest assured that we use the BEST seed blends and fertilizer available to ensure your lawn will look brand new.
Reduces soil compaction
Allows nutrients to direct to the root zone
Promotes dense blades with stable roots
Lawn Aeration Service
The Benefits of Lawn Aeration Services
If you have ever had an uninviting, patchy lawn with unhealthy grass and weeds, then you know how frustrating it can be to make it look neat and inviting. Aerating your lawn is a great way to bring life back into space. Aeration services help reduce soil compaction, improve drainage, increase nutrient absorption, and promote healthier grass growth. Let's take a closer look at how a lawn aeration service can benefit your outdoor space.
Reduce Soil Compaction
Soil compaction occurs when the soil particles become too tightly packed together that there’s no room for air or water to penetrate. This can lead to dead patches of grass in your lawn as well as a lack of root growth in new plants. By aerating your lawn - which involves making small holes in the topsoil - you create spaces for oxygen, water and nutrients to enter the soil more easily so that plants can grow healthily.
Improve Drainage
Lawns with poor drainage cause many issues like puddles on the surface after rainfall or irrigation. These puddles can drown the grass roots if not drained properly and lead to dead patches of grass over time. By aerating your lawn, you allow excess water to drain out of the soil quickly by creating pathways for it to travel through. This ensures that no standing water remains on top of your lawn after rainfall or irrigation thus preventing any potential damage from occurring.
Increase Nutrient Absorption
Nutrients are essential for healthy plant growth but will not do much good if they cannot reach the roots of your plants. Aerating helps break up compacted soil allowing nutrients to enter deeper levels of the soil so that they can reach the roots more easily and result in healthier plant growth overall. It also helps reduce runoff of fertilizers which would otherwise go wasted if not absorbed properly into the ground by providing pathways for them to enter deeper levels of soil where they are most needed.
At Advance Turf Care , we offer lawn aeration services that will help improve the health of your lawn as well as its overall appearance. Our team of professionals can assess the condition of your lawn and provide tailored solutions to help you achieve a beautiful, healthy outdoor space. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started with our top-notch lawn aeration services!
Lawn Seeding
Lawn Seeding: Why it Matters
Keeping your lawn healthy, vibrant and green can be a challenge. One of the most important things you can do to keep your lawn looking its best is through lawn seeding. But what is lawn seeding and why is it so important? Let’s take a look at the benefits of lawn seeding and why it should be part of any homeowner's lawn care routine.
What Is Lawn Seeding?
Lawn seeding is the process of adding grass seed to your existing lawn or starting a new one from scratch. It’s an important step in keeping your lawn healthy and looking great. The goal of lawn seeding is to create a more uniform, lush, and full-looking lawn with fewer weeds and bare spots. In order to achieve this, you need to use the right kind of grass seed for your specific climate and soil conditions.
Benefits Of Lawn Seeding
There are many benefits that come from regular seeding including healthier turf, more consistent growth, improved soil structure, fewer weeds, improved pest resistance, better drought tolerance, and more vibrant color. Additionally, regular seeding helps prevent disease problems because the dense roots created by strong turf help to crowd out disease-causing organisms like fungi. All these factors combine to help you maintain a beautiful yard that will last for years to come!
Why You Should Seed Your Lawn Regularly
The best way to ensure your yard looks its best year after year is by regularly seeding your lawn every spring or fall (depending on where you live). This helps ensure that not only do you have a lush green space but also that any patches or bare spots are filled in quickly before they become a problem. Additionally, regularly reseeding will help improve water absorption which can save you money on water bills throughout the year!
At Advance Turf Care, we understand how important lawn seeding near me is to creating a beautiful and healthy yard. We offer professional services that will help you get the most out of your lawn seeding experience. Contact us today for more information about our services!